Brede Parkschool in Vianen
Lighting control Sunblind controlSystemen
GIA Smart Solution SmartFlexx®Producten
Detectors FlexboxSwitch to efficiency: Wow… quite cool!
“With the start of 2019, many primary school children in Vianen were suddenly much more interested in school. And all this thanks to the new construction project realised by Klaassen Groep in collaboration with Willems Uden Technische Installaties and Nikkelen Elektrotechniek in Groesbeek (The Netherlands).
Schools ‘De Wegwijzer’ and ‘De Voorhof’ in Vianen were modernised after forty years of education service. The new school complex in parc ‘De Looch’ houses 24 classrooms, a large (toddler) playroom and various multifunctional spaces, of which Stichting Kinderopvang Vianen rents a space for daycare.
For any user this building is a blessing. And the electrical solutions supplied by GIA Systems are largely responsible for this.
GIA Systems Lighting Control
In order to be able to tell more about our lighting control, we first need to make the following division:
- School
- Classrooms
- Learning squares (+ reading corners)
- Daycare
- Central halls
- Outdoor lighting
Let’s start with the classrooms: In order to achieve maximum energy savings, Huisman & Van Muijen (consultancy) opted for an automated lighting control system programmed in absence. This means that the lighting in the classrooms is switched manually, and automatically switches off after 20 minutes in case no presence is detected. This detection is done by means of two round multifunctional 24V detectors (one in the front of the classroom, and one in the middle). Both detectors should not detect any presence for 20 minutes before they send a signal to the Smartflexx® (SFX 2, Office Spacing) to turn off the lighting. A separate switch was provided to switch the lights at the IWB. This way, the lighting in the front row does not have to be lit unnecessarily. Finally, the overall lighting of the classroom can be switched off (and only off) from the touchscreen in the central hall.
Our intelligent Smartflexx® system (SFX4, DALI) has been chosen for the learning areas and the reading corners: the lighting can be switched on and off manually as well as centrally. Specifically for the reading corners, dimmable lighting was opted for, so that the students can read a book or (professional) magazine in peace and quiet.
The daycare centre comprises a living room and two separate dormitories. The Smartflexx® SFX4, DALI, was also used here because of the dimmable character of the lighting for the sleeping quarters.
Next we come to the lighting control of the central halls, which takes place via a GIA BUS® system (4 I/O DIN-Rail). The lighting can be centrally switched on or off in its entirety, but a preset scene can also be selected. Hereby, a group command is transmitted that switches the lighting on or off in several, combined zones.
Finally, the outdoor lighting is also controlled via the GIA BUS® system. By means of clocks with twilight function, the light will be switched on when it is dark, and that until 10 p.m., and in the morning from 6 a.m. onwards, until it is light.
GIA Systems sunblind control
The solar control system installed by GIA Systems is also worth mentioning. The Eastern, Western and Southern facades of the building are all equipped with screens that are centrally controlled over an automated weather station, which is mounted on the roof of the building. Morevover, all blinds can be locked from the central control panel by means of a ‘window cleaner mode’. Although local control from the classrooms is also possible over available push buttons, priority commands such as the window cleaner mode cannot be overruled by a manual command.
Electrical installer: Nikkelen Elektro Groesbeek
Project leader: Jan Stoffelen
Consultancy: Huisman & Van Muijen
Project leader: Martijn Peters
Completion: beginning of 2019
Efficiënt. Altijd. Overal.
Wij ontwikkelen, maken en verdelen elektrotechnische oplossingen voor de utiliteitsbouw. Hierbij staat efficiëntie centraal. Want efficiëntie leidt tot maximaal comfort en minimale kosten: dit zowel tijdens de installatie als de hele levensduur van uw installatie.