Socket terminals

We supply three different types of terminal blocks: PVC, aluminium and Evoline. The PVC variety are competitively priced and modular. We make the aluminium terminal blocks according to your requirements. Evoline offers the very highest design standards. The ideal terminal block for every application… but what makes them really efficient?

“PVC, aluminium or Evoline. The choice is yours!”

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Time-gains during installation

Our aluminium terminal blocks are designed and produced by us. This means that we can customise them to your needs. They can be up to three metres long with as many terminals, data connection points and feet as you like.

We also supply Evoline products. We have several standard constructions but can also offer customisation.

Modular. In the future too.

Our aluminium terminal blocks are fully modular; you just add a terminal of your choice into the aluminium casing. Need a data terminal instead of a regular terminal? No problem!

Our PVC terminal blocks are not modular but you can easily connect the various blocks. So you decide the composition per block.

Fulfilling professional standards

They may look the same at first sight. But the internal workings of terminal blocks from a DIY store are suitable for residential use only. Ours are intended for professional purposes. All of our terminal blocks are approved for professional applications.

Fully plug-able

Combine our terminal blocks with our customised cables and wires and you have a full plug-and-play installation.

We were efficient here too.

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The options are endless and the work involved is very specialised. So it’s not easy to make the right choice. That is why we are ready to help you with the correct advice and expertise, from design to installation.

Efficient. Any time. Anywhere.

We develop, manufacture and distribute electro-technical solutions for commercial and industrial buildings. Efficiency is the priority. Efficiency leads to maximum comfort and minimum costs, both during installation and for the lifespan of your installation.

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